Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Photo Shopped Taxi Driver Licences Accepted On MyTaxi App. Part 2

Under the mismanagement of Mike (on side) Brown, TfLTPH have lost all control of Taxi and PH apps.

This trade has a problem with alleged unlicensed Taxi drivers at Heathrow asking for postcodes to major hotels.

And now, Transport apps are prompting Taxi drivers to break the law.
Someone has to speak up for Public Safety.
Do we matter at all?

Licensed London Taxi drivers are as safe as houses!
Transport Apps are not safe.

Transport Apps need a regulator, or it will end up like in Ireland where anyone with a driving license may drive for an app - no cab license needed.
How dangerous is that?

It shows 'The Establishment' don't give a toss if a Pleb is raped or even murdered. They probably feel there's a surplus of us already.

The silence from our representativeOrgs and Unions, especially those with newspapers and magazines, is deafening.

If any of our Orgs or Unions put advertising revenue before Public Safety, they are no better than the corrupt politicians and brazen TfL execs they pour scorn on.

The same goes for any driver who wants to sweep this dangerous situation under the carpet, because it might affect their app work.
Here's news for you, you're not earning more on an app than on the street.
You've just learned to rely on it.

Principles are not for sale.

By Lenny Etheridge. 



Delroy Grant, picking up Mike a Brown


from Taxi Leaks

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