Wednesday, 25 April 2018

TAXI LEAKS EXCLUSIVE: Helen Chapman's Photo Shopped Bill Accepted On MyTaxi App.

Taxi Leaks has acquired evidence that a drivers bill,  bearing the name of TfLs Helen Chapman has been accepted onto the MyTaxi platform, even though it gives the address of 230 Blackfriars road (home of TFL's Taxi and Private Hire administration centre.) 

In addition to naming one of TFL's directors, on the bottom right hand corner, it carries a text passage saying that the regional manager of MyTaxi should be sacked for allowing this breach of security.....and yet it was still accepted on to the platform. 
This is the welcom email sent out to the fake Helen Chapman driver.

In addition, we have also been sent evidence that a serial rapist jailed for life, has been uploaded on to MyTaxi and actual jobs have been recorded, accredited to his account. 

Prolific rapist Delroy Grant was accepted staight on to the platform without question (even though his address was given as 21, Du Cane Road...the address of Wormwood Scrubs prison) and has been authorised to pick up passengers through the app.

We have been given proof below  that a journey was booked for Delroy Grant to pick up.

This evidence has massive security implications and could be used by enemies of the Taxi trade in London to tarnish our good name.
Taxi Leaks believes that the MyTaxi app should cease trading until it can fully guarantee the identity of all its drivers.

We received this information on Sunday night but were asked not to post as the people involved were trying to arrange a meeting with the MyTaxi CEO. We have now been informed that a meeting has been refused and that so far, MyTaxi has failed to issue a statement.. 

Once again the lid has been blown off instant hail apps, but this time, unfortunately,'s one of our own. 

The MyTaxi app has a gapping security hole, that has allowed dodgy, photoshopped, un-vetted Taxi licenses to be uploaded onto the platform, to work alongside genuine Licensed Taxi drivers.

Just how many fake licenses have MyTaxi taken onto their app?
Is this the norm with other instant hail ride share apps?

MyTaxi - A Potentially Unsafe App by Tim Fenton on Zelo Street blog...

Moreover, MyTaxi might look as if it is there to help the cab trade, but they are on record claiming “Our competition is the street hail”. That’s a challenging proposition for the average cabbie: join MyTaxi and find yourself working for the unofficial opposition. Worse, as TfL have pointed out, it “does not licence MyTaxi or any other company offering similar taxi services via an app or radio circuit”. Obviously, private Hire is different.

Click this link below to continue reading Tim's post:

from Taxi Leaks

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