This story from celebrity Anthea Turner was posted on Taxi Leaks back in 2015. TfL never commented on the story even though they knew what was going on.
Hundreds of accounts had been hacked and customers couldn’t close down their accounts because the hackers had changed the login details.
Posted April 8th 2015:
Yesterday morning, Anthea Turner like many Uber London customers, woke up to find that her rider account had been accessed illegally, by a third party who had been using her account over the bank Holliday Weekend.
Anthea made the tweet at 10:53 yesterday morning after discovering the money had already been taken from her bank account.
Many people (who use the same password for multiple applications) have found their personal bank details and social media platforms have also been accessed.
So far, Anthea has been unable to any find help from Uber as their twitter helpline has been swamped with customer complaints.
In fact, Uber have now taken down their London user Twitter account and replaced it with a nation user account, hopping this would dilute the complaint statistics after the current security breach.
Uber have again denied their systems have been hacked. Nine months ago, Uber's system were breached with drivers details stolen including drivers names, addresses and credit card details. Amazingly, Uber said nothing about this for five months, according to the New York Times.
Anthea's celebrity friend, hard man actor Tamer Hassan had this bit of advice for her at the time:
Keep supporting our iconic London Blck Cab. Do not use Uber, they are robbing our country of its taxes.
The advice given below, was taken from an UBER driver forum post on how to beat the Gatwick out of licencing area situation:
"I'll go physically into the McD's on the N road and sit with a coffee with the app still running. It can surely then be claimed to be accidental in that case if there's an issue."
Also, incase you may have missed this:
Recorded clip from the Cristo show on LBC, an Uber driver discusses how his system is set up to deceive and over charge the Uber customer.
from Taxi Leaks