via taxi-point

London Taxi PR has announced the launch of its latest campaign to promote the London licenced Taxi trade, with an advertisement and editorial within the leading travel and lifestyle magazine, Inspired Travel.This latest advertisement is one of a series of targeted media campaigns, which are being used by London Taxi PR to promote the benefits, advantages and safety of using the iconic London Taxi to a wide audience.Inspired Travel magazine is the lifestyle publication for those who travel frequently, whether for business or pleasure, and is described as the must read for the modern traveller. Its readership comprises of professional people, business travellers, retirees and families with a high disposable income. Inspired Travel and can be found in many of the major airline first class and business lounges, on board cruise ships, and is also delivered to the corporate offices of HSBC, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Swiss RE, Bank of America, Lloyds Bank and Credit Suisse.

Established in March 2015 by two licenced London Taxi drivers of many years standing - Lee Sheppard and fellow cabbie Gary Long, London Taxi PR is seeking to raise awareness to the public, tourists and visitors to the capital by illustrating the advantages that can be provided by using the iconic London Taxi’s. These Taxi’s are affectionately known as London’s Pride, and this has been used to significant effect as a catchphrase in their campaign material.All the campaigns and publicity that has so far been generated by the company has been funded by fellow London Taxi drivers, many of whom have signed up to donate to the cause on a monthly basis, indicating how passionate they all are about their industry and the cause.The aim of the campaigns, which have already achieved significant publicity, is to illustrate that licenced London Taxi’s are not only safe, distinctive, instantly recognisable, and incredibly easy to hail, either by hailing traditionally from the street, or now through Taxiapp, but that they also have a fantastic historic profile, dating all the way back to the 17th Century.Since its launch, London Taxi PR has achieved the following campaign and promotional success stories; Digital Taxi rooftop advertisements that were provided by Verifone Media; an advertising campaign through JCDecaux on telephone kiosks situated around London’s West End; two campaigns with British Airways involving advertising in their High Life magazine and posters in Terminal 5 Business Lounge, followed by a full-page advertisement again in High Life; a full-page advertising campaign in The London Magazine (high end property and residential title); a 3-month digital billboard campaign in conjunction with 8outdoor media, showcasing the London Taxi trade on three digital billboards in and around West London; and finally with Clear Channel UK which involved advertisements on phone boxes and digital pop up banners.To view London Taxi PR in Inspired Travel magazine click here.For more information on London Taxi PR and their campaigns, please visit their website
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