Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Frequently Asked Questions: What does the group action mean for me?

via taxi-point https://ift.tt/2AOhHy8
Will I incur any costs or legal fees for taking part?
No. The claim will be entirely funded by a third-party funder, Harbour Litigation Funding, subject to a minimum number of drivers signing up to participate. Harbour Litigation Funding will pay all of the participating licensed taxi drivers’ costs of bringing the claim. There will also be an insurance policy to protect against exposure to Uber’s costs, should the company successfully defend the claim. If the group action is successful and compensation is received, Harbour Litigation Funding will receive a share of each participant’s damages received with the large majority being returned to the claimants. If the group action is unsuccessful, you will not have to repay Harbour any money.
Can I remove myself from the group action at any point?
Once you have agreed to participate in the claim, you can still remove yourself from the action but there may be a cost to you in doing so.
What happens if we win the group action, and what will I gain?
If the group action is successful, each claimant who has participated will be awarded a share of damages, less the share of proceeds returned to Harbour Litigation Funding to cover the costs of the dispute.
What happens if we lose the group action, and how will it impact me?
We have secured funding from a Harbour Litigation Funding, a leading litigation funder, subject to a minimum amount of licensed taxi drivers signing up to participate. This means that if the claim proceeds, you will not have to pay your own legal fees, whether the group action is successful or not. There will also be an insurance policy to protect against any exposure to Uber’s costs, should the company successfully defend the claim.
Are there any other risks associated with me taking part?
We do not anticipate any other financial risks to you from taking part in the group action.
Can I publicly talk about my involvement in the group action, to my friends and family, or on social media?
While we are not restricting participants from discussing the group action with friends and family or online, this will be a legal case. As such we advise caution in saying anything that could prejudice the result of the group action.
There has already been some media coverage of this. If I participate, will I be contacted by journalists? Will I be expected to talk to them?
All requests from journalists will be handled by Newington Communications. If you would like to act as a spokesperson or provide a case study to the media about how Uber’s operations have affected you, you can volunteer to do this, but you will not be asked to speak to the media if you do not want to.
Is the action open to retired drivers?
If you are retired, you may be able to participate in the group action. You would need to have been working as a taxi driver in the period that Uber has been operating in London, in order to demonstrate the loss of earnings sustained. As such, drivers who retired before 2012 are excluded from this group action.
Is the action open to businesses within the trade, or just individuals?
At the moment the claim is focused on individual licensed taxi drivers in London but we continue to consider other possible claimants.
August 07, 2018 at 12:27AM https://ift.tt/2ufVjKI Perry Richardson THESE POSTS ARE NOT OUR ENDORSEMENT

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