via taxi-point

A Carlisle cabbie has collided with a wall after a passenger grabbed his steering wheel causing his vehicle to veer off the road during a late night trip.The court heard that driver Terence McIntyre picked up two female customers from a pub after a night of drinking for the two friends. 29-year-old Lucy Dobbin, who was intoxicated, was described by prosecutor Becky McGregor, as being "hyperactive" on the journey, shouting, screaming and dancing around in the passenger street. The court heard that while on a stretch of road, the A595, Dobbin became "agitated and distressed" demanding that the driver "slow down". McIntyre was said to be traveling within the speed limit at the time. McIntyre became "concerned" about Dobbin's behaviour, but was unable to stop her from reaching over and grabbing the steering wheel, pulling the vehicle to "the offside". The court heard that seeing an oncoming vehicle, McIntyre took hold of the wheel just avoiding a crash, but the taxi then collided with a wall. The vehicle was damaged in the collision and McIntyre received injuries. Dobbin's confessed to being "steaming drunk" when questioned by police, News and Star reported. She described the steering wheel incident as mistakenly believing the driver was speeding and they were about to be involved in a crash. Dobbin admitted a charge of causing a danger to road users by interfering with a vehicle. She also admitted assaulting a 15-year-old girl outside a pub during a "completely unprovoked attack". Judge Barbara Forrester gave Dobbin a five-month jail term suspended for two years. Dobbin must also complete rehabilitation and a three-month night time curfew.
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