via taxi-point

February 10, 2019 at 09:36PM Perry Richardson THESE POSTS ARE NOT OUR ENDORSEMENT
The majority of taxis in the UK currently rely on the internal combustion engine for power using either petrol or diesel. However with restrictions on their use planned for London, and now potentially other areas, interest in the use of hybrid and 100% electric vehicles is growing. However there maybe another option open to cabbies which has yet to be discussed.
A new company, Fair Air, is proposing a direct ethanol fuel cell as a potential source of energy for a 100% electric vehicle with taxis its target market. Ethanol is relatively cheap and is already commercially produced with existing forecourts able to be upgraded to handle this product.
Following on from research undertaken with London black cabs, and to assist with Fair Air’s understanding of the wider potential market for such a vehicle, the new company are asking readers of TaxiPoint to complete a short survey. The questions can be found below and will help Fair Air learn more about the industry’s feelings towards alternative fuel sources. All responses will be treated in confidence. Fair Air Limited hope to rebuild London taxis into zero pollution ethanol powered fuel cell transport. Ubiquitous diesel London cabs will be remanufactured using advanced on board fuel cell electrical generators powered by the energy in ethanol (alcohol). Following taxis, municipal vehicles and buses could undergo the same treatment, making London’s transport the cleanest in the world. Novel fuel cell technology will eliminate the need for hydrogen for transport applications, replacing it with safe, easy to use ethanol, produced from waste. Ethanol is the same alcohol passengers drink in their G-n-T’s and Pints, although Fair Air does not suggest you drain the cabbies tank to satisfy your thirst!
Complete the ethanol survey by clicking the image above.
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